ACT-SA Elected Chair of the Southern African Anti-Corruption Network (SAACoN)

The Southern African Anti-Corruption Network (SAACoN)is a collaborative effort that unites civil society organizations and some anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) in Southern Africa. These organizations have joined forces with the shared objective of eradicating corruption and ensuring the effective implementation of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol against Corruption (SADC-PAC).

The network currently consists of 15 members from various SADC Member States, encompassing both ACAs and civil society organizations.

The vision of SAACoN is  to achieve a corruption free and prosperous SADC region whilst the Objectives include the following:

To put in place effective co-ordination mechanisms and establish linkages and synergies to combat corruption. This includes synergies with those in the network and external organizations.

1-To support Anti-Corruption Agencies (ACAs) and SADC Member States to achieve national and regional development.

2-To provide a one stop shop for all anti-corruption related research material for SAACoN Network members, researchers and the general public.

3-To Promotion of common values, systems and other shared principles that are transmitted through institutions and ordinary SADC Citizenry for peace, development and prosperity.

The chairmanship of SAACoN, ACT-SA bears a great responsibility, and as such, the organization is committed to ensuring that the network’s objectives are achieved. As the chair, ACT-SA has the opportunity to take a leading role in coordinating the network’s efforts and ensuring that progress is made toward combating corruption in the Southern African region. With its chairmanship, ACT-SA is aiming to steer the network’s initiatives towards the realization of its objectives, thereby contributing to the overall advancement of good governance and anti-corruption efforts in the region. Read More